Doing Diversity Differently in a Culturally Complex World explores the challenges facing multicultural education in the 21st century. It argues that the ideas fashioned in 1970s 'multiculturalism' are no longer adequate for the culturally complex world in which we now live. Much multicultural education celebrates superficial forms of difference and avoids difficult questions around culture in an age of transnational flows and hybrid identities. Megan Watkins and Greg Noble explore the understandings of multiculturalism that exist amongst teachers, parents and students. They demonstrate that ideas around culture and identity don't match the complexities of the social contexts of schooling in migrant-based nations such as Australia, the UK, the USA, Canada and New Zealand. Doing Diversity Differently in a Culturally Complex World draws on comprehensive research undertaken in Australian schools. It examines how a diverse range of schools address the challenges that 'superdiversity' poses, considering how the strengths and limitations of each school's approach reflect wider logics of traditional multiculturalism. In contrast, the authors argue for a transformative multiculturalism involving a critically reflexive approach to understanding the processes, relations and identities of the contemporary world.With a Foreword by Fazal Rivzi, Emeritus Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA and Professor of Global Studies in Education, University of Melbourne, Australia.
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Refereed JournalsMarc Alier, Enric Mayol, Maria Jose Casan, Jordi Piguillem, Jeffrey W. Merriman, Miguel Angel Conde, Francisco J. Garcia-Penalvo,Wouter Tebben,Charles R. Severance,"Clustering Projects for eLearning Interoperability", Journal of Universal Computer Science, Volume 18, Issue 1, 1-Jan-2012. Charles R. Severance, Ted Hanss, Joseph Hardin, IMS Learning Tools Interoperability: A Service-Oriented Approach To Teaching and Learning ToolsTechnology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning (journal).Volume 7, Number 3-4, 2010, pages 245-262.(Pre-print)Charles R. Severance, Joseph Hardin, Anthony Whyte, The Coming Functionality Mashup in Personal Learning Environments,Interactive Learning Environments (Journal), Volume 16, Number 1, April 2008.(link)Charles R. Severance, Joseph Hardin, Glenn Golden, Robert Crouchley, Adrian Fish, Tom Finholt, Beth Kirschner, Jim Eng, Rob Allan,Using the Sakai collaborative toolkit in e-Research applications Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 19, Issue 12, (p 1643-1652) (7 Jun 2007) (link)Severance C, Enbody R, Petersen P,Managing the Overall Balance of Threads on a Multiprocessor using Automatic Self Allocating Threads (ASAT) - Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 37, 106-112 (1996).Refereed Conference ProceedingsSXSWEdu - Austin, Texas - March 3-5, 2013.Panel: MOOC Cage Match with Curt J. Bonk of Indiana UniversityPreparing for the Long Tail of Teaching and Learning Tools,Charles R. Severance and Stephanie D. Teasley,9th International Conference of the Learning SciencesJune 29 - July 2 2010. for LMS: The Missing Piece to Become the Common Place for Elearning InnovationMarc Alier Forment, Maria Jose Casan Guerrero, Miguel-Angel Conde Conzalez,Francisco Jose Garcia Penalvo, and Charles R. Severance.Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009, Volume 5736/2009Pages 286-295.(link)13th World Congress on Earthquake Engineering - Using Collaborative Tools in NEESGrid - Vancouver, BC - August 6, 2004.ED-MEDIA 2004--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications - From Your Course Syllabus to Earthquake Engineering Research: Collaboration using the CHEF Framework - Lugano, Switzerland - June 21, 2004.C. Severance, T. Moore,"Making virtual reality worlds-interaction between higher education and K-12",In proceeding of: Frontiers in Education Conference, 1999. FIE '99. 29th Annual, Volume: 3Frontiers in Education - Workshop: Making and Using Web-Based Lectures -October 10-13, 1999. SeJin Chung, Moon-Jung Chung, Charles R. Severance,"Design to support tools and knowledge building in a virtual university course: Effect of reflection and self-explanation prompts.",WebNet 1999: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - Volume 1.Severance C, Enbody R, "Comparing Dynamic Space Sharing to GangScheduling", International Parallel Processing Symposium Proceedings, Geneva April 1-5, 1997, IEEEComputer Society Press 1997, page 288.Severance C, Enbody R, "Automatic Self Allocating Threads (ASAT) on an SGI Challenge", Proceedings 1996 International Conference on ParallelProcessing (ICPP96), August 1996, pages III-132 - III-139 Severance C, Enbody R,"A Possible Addition to HPF 3.0 - Real Valued Indexed (RVI) Arrays",High Performance Computing Symposium 96,Pages 248-253. April 8-11, New Orleans, Louisiana.Severance C, Enbody R, Wallach S, Funkhouser B, "Automatic Self Allocating Threads (ASAT) on the Convex Exemplar"Proceedings 1995 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP95),August 1995, pages I-24 - I-31.Severance C., Enbody E., Tomanek D., Bulgac A.,"Real Valued Arrays - An Initial Look", Proc. 1992 SIAMconference of Parallel Processing, pages 979-982,Severance C, Pramanik S, Wolberg P, "DistributedLinear Hashing and Parallel Projection in Main MemoryDatabases", Proceedings of the 10th VLDB Conference, 1990.Severance C, Pramanik S, "Distributed Linear Hashing for Main MemoryDatabases", Proceedings of 1990 IEEE InternationalConference on Parallel Processing.Severance C, Pramanik S, Rosenau T, "A High Speed KDL-RAM FileSystem for Parallel Computers",Proceedings PARBASE-90, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990,pp 195-203. Also published as Naval Research Laboratory Report 9259, June22, 1990, Naval Research Lab, Washington, D.C. 20375-5000.Technical ReportsHarry Yeh, Charles R. Severance,"Report on Oregon State Experiment Based Deployment: Synchronized Video" - NEESGrid Technical Report TR2003-17, 09-11-2003 Carl Kesselman, Randy Butler, Ian Foster, Joe Futrelle, Doru Marcusiu, Sridhar Gulipalli, Laura Pearlman, Chuck Severance, "NEESgrid System Architecture", 05-13-2003 Charles R. Severance, "Video Support in NEESgrid: Telepresence and Data-Quality Video" -NEESgrid technical report TR-2003-02, 01-12-2003 Charles R. Severance, "Integrating Grid Capabilities into the CHEF Collaborative Portal Framework" - NEESgrid Technical ReportTR-2003-01, 01-08-2003 N Bousdira, S Goldfarb, E Myers, H A Neal, C Severance, Kenneth Mick Storr, G Vitaglione, "WLAP the Web Lecture Archive Project: The Development of a Web-Based Archive of Lectures, Tutorials, Meetings and Events at CERN and at the University of Michigan", 01-September-2001, Vitaglione, N Bousdira, S Goldfarb, H A Neal, C Severance, Kenneth Mick Storr,"Lecture object: an architecture for archiving lectures on the Web",18-February-2001, M, Doom T, Enbody R, Moore W, Moore S, Sass R, Severance C,"Beyond RISC - The Post RISC Architecture", Technical Report MSU CPS-96-11 November 1996. Magazine ArticlesI am currently the multimedia editor for IEEE Computer Magazine and the column editor and writer for the monthly "Computing Conversations" column. The column is in the print magazine as well as a video interviews on YouTube and audio podcast on iTunes.April 2017 - Resurrecting the CDC 6500 Supercomputer Living Computers: Museum + Labs
September 2016 - The Living Computer Museum
May 2016 - Bruce Schneier: Building Cryptographic Systems
February 2016 - Bruce Schneier: The Security Mindset
September 2015 - Anant Agarwal: Inside edX
July 2015 -Anil Jain: 25 Years of Biometric Recognition
June 2015 - Roy T. Fielding: Understanding the REST StyleMay 2015 - John Resig: Building JQueryMarch 2015 - Guido van Rossum: The Modern Era of PythonFebruary 2015 - Guido van Rossum: The Early Years of PythonJanuary 2015 - Khan Academy and Computer ScienceNovember 2014 - Ian Foster and the Globus ProjectSeptember 2014 - Nii Quaynor: Bringing the Internet to AfricaAugust 2014 - Elizabeth Fong: Creating the SQL Database StandardsJuly 2014 - Andrew S. Tannenbaum: The Impact of MinixMay 2014 - Nathaniel Borenstein: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
April 2014 - Len Kleinrock: The First Two Packets on the InternetMarch 2014 - Doug Van Houweling: Building the NSFNet
February 2014 - Joseph Hardin: Building Mosaic
January 2014 - Massimo Banzi: Building Arduino
December 2013 - Andrew Tanenbaum: Writing the Book on Networks
November 2013 - In Horrocks: Standardizing OWL
October 2013 - Eben Upton on the Raspberry Pi
September 2013 - Computing Conversations: John C. Hollar
August 2013 - Computing Conversations: Len Kleinrock on the Theory of Packets
July 2013 - Katie Hafner on the history of the ARPANET project
June 2013 - Gordon Bell on the Building Blocks of Computing
May 2013 - Bob Metcalfe: Ethernet at Forty
April 2013 - Larry Smarr: Building Mosaic
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December 2012 - Vint Cerf: A Brief History of Packets
November 2012 - Inventing PHP: Rasmus Lerdorf
October 2012 - The Apache Software Foundation: Brian Behlendorf
September 2012 - Betrand Meyer: Software Engineering and the Eiffel Programming Language
August 2012 - Teaching the World: Daphne Koller and Coursera
July 2012 - The Art of Teaching Computer Science: Niklaus Wirth
June 2012 - Alan Turing and Bletchley Park
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